Sunday, September 15, 2019

Why a Christian University?

Reasons to Get a Degree from a School that Recognizes Your Faith
You may be wondering whether or not a higher learning institution that recognizes your faith is better for your future and other aspects of your life. You will find that these types of colleges & universities provide a highly fulfilling undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral experience in a number of ways.
  • They surround you with like-minded Christian students with similar beliefs
  • Often, they have smaller class sizes
  • Referencing and speaking about scripture is encouraged on campus rather than only to be discussed in private
  • The core culture and principles of the school will be in line with those you were raised to believe
  • You will more easily be able to grow spiritually and enhance your ethics, morals, and values
  • Many Christian-sponsored events and activities are available
  • Many times, these schools can boast higher on-time graduation rates