Monday, February 16, 2015

Court Camp

Court Camp is an educational program offered each summer for children ages 14-18 who might be considering a legal system related career and/or just interested in learning more about the law and the North Carolina Judicial System. The week-long camps take place at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse.

The Trial Court Administrator’s Office is now accepting applications for one of four one-week sessions of Court Camp™, an educational program for students ages 14-18 who are interested in learning about the North Carolina judicial system. There are only 15 spaces available per session. 

Court Camp™ Dates for 2015: 
Session I June 15 - June 19 Session II July 6 - July 10 
Session III July 20 - July 24 
Session IV August 10 - August 14 

*To inquire about current space availability for a particular session, please email