Monday, February 27, 2017

$1,000 Prom Givewaway

Prom is coming up quickly, and it's a great time to encourage your high school students to make good decisions with their money. Between the outfit, the accessories, and the transportation, students can spend a pretty penny on prom expenses.

Ramsey Personality Anthony ONeal is giving away $1,000 to one lucky high school student for their prom this year. The winning student will be given $1,000 to spend on prom-related expenses like tuxedo rental, dress rental, limo rental, flowers, pictures and more!

Your students can find out how to enter the giveaway by going to The giveaway ends on Friday, March 10, and winners will be selected by March 31.

Anthony will be sharing life tips and fun ways to save money on prom on his social channels throughout February and March. It's a great way for your students to learn how to manage their money better and avoid making poor money decisions around prom this year. You can find him on social here:

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Best of luck to your students!

Mark Ballinger | High School Curriculum Advisor, Education Solutions